(( All testimonials and photos shared with client’s permission…))

Haley: 60 lbs down

Victoria: 20 lbs down

Mazon: 15 lbs down

Other Success Stories…

Other Clients have said…

"Dani cares about her clients and puts her heart and soul into their success. She does not let anyone give up! If I can get amazing results, anyone can!


"I feel like for the first time in my life, I am seeing food in a completely different light! It's been so freeing! I no longer feel confined by 'no sugar, no carbs, no this, no that'. I'm fueling my body with the right combination of nutrients and feeling a positive difference in every aspect of my life!"


"Dani is the perfect combination of intelligence, energy, and support. I feel like I can do anything she says leave every session stronger and braver."


(( And we’re just getting started...))